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Discussion forums
Trade tips & tricks, talk with fellow musicians and OASYS users, and generally get the most out of your OASYS by participating in these online discussion forums:
Third-party sounds and applications
- KARO creates commercial sound and sample libraries for the OASYS.
- KNECT features free OASYS sounds, plus a large collection of DX patches for importing into the MOD-7.
- Stuart Pryer offers the OASYS Companion software for Windows, along with custom Programs and Combinations.
- Korg Forums' Daz offers free software for Mac OS and Windows, including the OASYS Program Randomizer and OASYS Librarian.
- Pro-Sounds features the LD-50 soundset for the OASYS LAC-1, as well as a version of the same sounds for the Legacy software.
blOgASYS features OASYS-related news, commentary, audio demos, and music.